High quality transcriptions
Secure delivery the next business day
Web-based storage, secure access from any computer
Edit, sign, and print transcriptions online
Play-back voice while editing the transcription
Automatic faxing / printing / emailing of signed transcriptions
View real time status of each dictation
Free trial with no obligation
Free digital voice recorder

Strengths of our Medical Transcription Services:

Economical and affordable
Medical Transcription Online
HIPAA compliant and Economical
Proven record of delivering accurate reports on time

ETranscribe Software which offers:

Web-based storage, secure access from any computer
Edit, sign, and print transcriptions online
Play-back voice while editing the transcription
Automatic Faxing/Printing/email of signed transcripts

Dictation Manager Software which offers:

Dictate directly to the computer with wireless microphone
Upload dictations from the voice recorder
View real time status of each dictation

We are currently providing the following specialty specific medical transcription services:

Pain Management